
The Administrative Procedure Act defines "adjudication" broadly as any agency process that results in a final disposition that is not a "rule." However, most people use the term in a narrower sense to mean "a decision by government officials through an administrative process to resolve a claim or dispute between a private party and the government or between two private parties arising out of a government program." Federal agencies adjudicate many matters, ranging from applications for benefits, licenses, grants, and intellectual property protections to the imposition of sanctions on individuals and businesses for violating the law.

ACUS has adopted dozens of recommendations and produced many other resources to help the federal government manage agency adjudication. ACUS also tracks and publishes Updates in Federal Agency Adjudication each month. Select a category below to access individual recommendations, reports, and other resources.

Assembly Recommendations

Publications and Reports

Information Interchange Bulletins

News Releases and Blog Posts

Assembly Recommendations

Model Rules

Publications and Reports

Roundtables and Working Groups

Information Interchange Bulletins

Assembly Recommendations

Model Rules

Information Interchange Bulletins

Publications and Reports

News Releases and Blog Posts

Assembly Recommendations

Publications and Reports

Information Interchange Bulletins

News Releases and Blog Posts

Assembly Recommendations

Publications and Reports

Assembly Recommendations

Publications and Reports

Assembly Recommendations

Model Rules

Publications and Reports

Information Interchange Bulletins

News Releases and Blog Posts

Current Projects

Assembly Recommendations

Publications and Reports

Information Interchange Bulletins

News Releases and Blog Posts

Assembly Recommendations

Reports and Publications

Current Projects

Assembly Recommendations

Publications and Reports

Information Interchange Bulletins

Assembly Recommendations

Publications and Reports

Information Interchange Bulletins