81st Plenary Session


The 81st Plenary Session of the Administrative Conference of the United States 

Held: Thursday, June 13, 2024, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EDT

The George Washington University Law School Jacob Burns Moot Court Room
2000 H Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20052


The final Recommendations (2024-1, 2024-2, 2024-3, 2024-4), as adopted by the ACUS Assembly at the 81st Plenary Session, were published in the July 9, 2024 edition of the Federal Register and are accessible here


For ACUS Members
ACUS members have the option to participate in-person or virtually. ACUS members are requested to RSVP for the plenary session here

For the General Public
The plenary proceedings will be broadcast for public viewing. A link for viewing the proceedings will be posted to this page before the event.

Agenda & Meeting Materials
A full program agenda is available here. Project-specific materials will be posted to this page as they become available.

Please direct any inquiries to info@acus.gov or contact Aminah Gore at agore@acus.gov. Please direct any press inquiries to Harry Seidman at hseidman@acus.gov.


Recommendation Projects

     1. Choice of Forum for Judicial Review of Agency Rules (Staff Counsel: Kazia Nowacki)

         Committee recommendation

         Recommendation redline

         Consultant report

         Comment from Public Member Jennifer Dickey

         Comment from Special Counsel Jeffrey Lubbers

         Comment from Senior Fellow Ronald M. Levin

     2. Individualized Guidance (Staff Counsel: Benjamin Birkhill)

         Committee recommendation

         Recommendation redline

         Consultant report

     3. Participation of Senate-Confirmed Officials in Administrative Adjudication (Staff Counsel: Matthew Gluth)

         Committee recommendation

         Recommendation redline

         Consultant report

     4. Congressional Constituent Service Inquiries (Staff Counsel: Conrad Dryland)

         Committee recommendation

         Recommendation redline

         Consultant report         


Other Projects

     1. Working Group on Model Rules of Representative Conduct (Staff Counsel: Matthew Gluth)

         Model Rules of Representative Conduct (draft)



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