50th News Releases

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ACUS has released its newest Information Interchange Bulletin: National Environmental Policy Act Basics.  The Bulletin provides a high-level overview of NEPA’s basic structure. It explains who is responsible for implementing NEPA, environmental impact statements, and the NEPA review…
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ACUS has released its newest Information Interchange Bulletin: Freedom of Information Act Basics. The Bulletin provides a high-level overview of FOIA’s basic structure. It explains FOIA’s proactive disclosure requirements, the process by which members of the public can request access to agency…
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ACUS’s five standing committees and a sixth ad hoc committee are considering or have approved recommendations for seven new projects. If approved by the committees and placed on the agenda by the Council, these projects will be considered at the 73rd Plenary Session, which will be held virtually on…
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Contact: Harry M. Seidman  202.480.2085  hseidman@acus.gov  ACUS Announces New Council on Federal Agency Adjudication  Washington, D.C., September 10, 2020 – The Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS) is pleased to announce…
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Harry M. Seidman Phone: 202. 480. 2085 Email: hseidman@acus.gov  U.S. Department of Justice Releases its Report on Modernizing the Administrative Procedure Act; Contributors Include ACUS Vice Chairman and Members  Washington, D.C., August 11, 2020 – Today…